Planning is important before approaching the Market. Without fully understanding the needs and priorities of your Agency and engaging with key stakeholders and experts, procurement will not be efficient.
Agencies are encouraged to take advantage of the Annual Procurement Plan to pre-alert potential suppliers on upcoming tenders. This will not only provide sufficient time for potential suppliers to prepare for the bid but also indicate to the wider market of government’s intention to purchase. The wider the reach in the market, the stronger the supplier base for government.
For any goods or services that are required for the benefit of more than one Agency, the Head of Procurement may call a tender for the supply of goods, services or works to meet the requirements of those Agencies and enter into a standing offer contract.
The decision to enter into standing offer contract will happen once it is established that it is advantageous to obtain tenders for the supply of such goods or services at a government wide level. These contracts are designed to provide cost savings, time savings and reduce ‘red tape’ in purchasing common goods & services.
The Procurement Center of Excellence Team is based at the Fiji Procurement office. Their task is to provide knowledge based services to Agencies to drive efficiency, repeatability and best practice in government procurement. Apart from process reviews, best practice implementation, and contract monitoring, they will be conducting Procurement Training to promote Procurement excellence across Government. Agencies are encouraged to use the Team to raise Procurement Awareness in their Agencies.